Lower than a snake's belly

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , , , , , | Posted On Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 12:25 a.m.

It's been an O.K. week for me. Just getting a need to go off radar again for a while

Print wise, I have successfully etched my plates. Started printing my biggest plate, let's call the "ship" plate. Using colour again, I know, exciting! Nice green colour, it glows. Props to John McD for helping me there. I'll get a pic tomorrow I think. So that print is on to the B.A.T stage, now editioning.

Got two more prints to complete before Christmas, and would like to get my lithograph started soon. It's an intense image, well, not intense, but a technical image. Might be better if I practice over xmas, on my figure drawing. Might be a nice Christmas project for me. I have a bunch of anatomny books at home as wll, as well as a dad who sleeps a lot and a brother.

I'm doing well at the shop though. I have gotten some fine praise from Scott Goudie, and Gerry Squires knows my dedication. Was asked about a project by him, but beyond my experience right now. Would love to assist on that tho. Be so good for me.

Been working at the call centre thse past few nights. Trying to get a last few dollars out before Christmas. I hope I win the christmas raffle tomorrow at work, they have a big basket of booze for raffle. Be effing sweet. Only bought one ticket, but one is all thats needed to win. Work ends Friday or Thursday perhaps, a little up in the air.

Mike, the director gave me a little job of printing for this guy. He has some small lino cuts done by some kids, and needed them printed. Mike gave it to me; Might only be a few twenties, but really generous of him. I owe these people so much.

Going out Thursday night, yes, I should be working...sigh...sabatoge? A friend asked me to go to a show with her. Be nice to do something.

Was going to write something really introspective tongiht, least had thoughts...maybe another night.


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