Diaries of aYoung Artist

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , , , , , | Posted On Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 7:49 p.m.

That's what the article was called in Art on Paper magazine. I picked it up today at chapters, running into an artist I've met here in St. Johns, we discussed art as we meandered around the store. He admits to being very much a formalist, so was interesting discussion.

The article, was kinda fun to read in some of the entries; Terrance Koh seems to manifest himself in the same manner as he does his art- a bit of coke. Some others were interesting, how some of the same doubts affect I'm having still find themselves in artists of semi-establishment. I have been thinking a lot on my career as an artist, or least my start of a career. These questions seem to be getting round, my bro-bot, is experiencing similar issues on what to do with himself. Might just be the plight of a generation really.
So what do I do with myself, I'm finding out that I'm not terribly good at administrative tasks from working at Eastern Edge. It is a good learning experience there, and very appreciative for it. My problem with it I just don't know how to excel in the situation or environment. Getting a lot of sponsorships and donations seem to be one way. But to me it seem that some of it is just luck of the draw, you get responsive people and other times you don't. There doesn't seem to be a method of leading there, is there any way of leading in administrative tasks besides just doing your work promptly and on time? There does seem to be a large amount of adminstration in the art world, so one does have to get better at it.
The job ends in September, and I really don't know what I'm doing. I might score some Joe Job, which from what I'm seeing is the best I can hope for. That will be minimum wage, and will suck. I can't afford to live on just minimum wage. There might be an opportunity in Grenfell in October at the gallery there, but then that will be for quite a few months and I would be leaving my bro-bot in a lurch along with leaving on the Don Wight Scholarship at St. Michael's. The opportunity at Grenfell would be decent dollars. Yet leaving St. Michael's would be wasting good time at the shop making art. Assuming my Joe Job gave me enough time to do so. The opportunity might not even arise, so should shut up about it.

I am applying for the NLAC grants in September, working on the grant proposal; that would be the Shed project. I'm ordering some inks Monday with some people at the shop in preparation for the print and drawing project I'm working on. Reading about the John Franklin Expedition for the North West Passage today. I, as said before got to start work on that soon, yet in defense I find the literature really exciting. Though in terms of concept it seems to be approaching the "About 1865" project that Tony Scherman worked on. He did a series of encaustic paintings based on the events of the American Civil War. Beautiful paintings, though not positive on the conceptual perimeters. Anything as a starting point perhaps?

I finished my editon Saturday, dated them, and signed them. Still have yet to get a picture, but will soon.


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