An updating of activity

Posted by Jona8than | | Posted On Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 1:32 p.m.

So it has been a week since posting on here, which is fine enough. Last week at the end was quite busy, with some other course work needing completion. I did manage to do some painting and work Friday evening, but the weekend was the Halloween weekend, so a lot of things were shot; to be expected.

Monday I took William Faulkner's advice "Kill your darlings", and painted over my explosion canvas. The painting wasn't working, and so quick as a whip, I started a new one over. Quite liberating in a way, and feeling much happier with this one already.

The mention of William Faulkner is interesting as well, for had a discussion of literature, text, and images last night in art theory. I feel like I straddle both areas at time, there is a huge love of reading and writing; and actually won an Arts and Letters Award one time for poetry in grade twelve. Planned on doing english and philosophy after a semester of pre-pharmacy. So did a year of English, and other arts courses.

Yet in my art making process, the combination of text and image come difficult to me. I do usually have a sense of narrative to my works, but I find it hard trying to achieve a sense of poetic to my works with words. It hasn't hit me yet.

Borrowed a book from the library about Luc Tuymans , I'm a little intrigued by his pieces, the muted colours, the efficiency of paint, the relation between title and image of the paintings.


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