October 21

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , | Posted On Sunday, October 21, 2007 at 2:56 p.m.

So I have been reading about William Kentridge today, a south african artist. I have encountered him before in Vitamin D: Drawing but of course, it was still images. Then in digital class the other day, Mark Prier, brought him up and talked of his animation technique. Then I found a great interview with him in pressPlay
where he has this interesting quote pertaining to drawings.

What does it mean to say that something is a drawing-as opposed to a fundamentally different form, such as a photograph? First of all, arriving at the image is a process, not a frozen instant. Drawing for me is about fluidity. There may be a vague sense of what you're going to draw but things occur during the process that may modify, consolidate or shed doubts on what you know. So drawing is a testing of ideas: a slow-motion version of thought. It does not arrive instantly like a photograph. The uncertain and imprecise way of constructing a drawing is sometimes a model of how to construct meaning. What ends in clarity does not begin that way.

-William Kentridge.
pressPlay page 408

That passage really struck me, it seems to encapsulate how I feel about drawing but could never seem to get at...yet. It seems so true to me. Going to ponder it more. The idea of drawing-animation is very cool as well, thoughts of application on my skull drawings have come to mind.

I did some painting last night, a lot better than I had been doing. Light washes, pushing paint, started using a paint stick as well, which felt right and looked good as well to me. Bringing another element to the painting. Did a little more this afternoon as well before coming to this library. Really wish I could get up earlier, I'm feeling like not getting enough done. A lot of ideas.


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