
Posted by Jona8than | | Posted On Tuesday, March 18, 2008 at 8:50 p.m.

Jonathan Green was born two weeks late and seeing out of only one eye. [Jonathan prefers to be referred to as Jonathan, sans surname, when talked about in the third person.] Jonathan grew up in Carbonear, and came to art school upon realizing it was the best thing for him. His interests include reading, philosophy, sandwiches, fashion, masculinity, watching fighting, dystopian and apocalyptic elements, drawing, painting, printmaking, and an increased interest in thanatology. Oscar Wilde tells a bit about Jonathan, and Bukowski, Hynes perhaps tell more. Jonathan completed a co-op internship at St. Michael’s Print Shop last year, and has just recently received the St. Michael’s Don Wight Scholarship for 2008-2009.

I think this might need to be cut down a bit


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