On a Swarm

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: | Posted On Monday, August 17, 2009 at 2:39 a.m.

The problem could be that everything is permitted. That is the postmodern condition. A condition that is closer to me is that everything is accessible. Everything is permitted to me and accessible to me. I can do almost everything, well, cept oil painting due to ventilation problems in my current studio. There is acrylic.

This should not be a problem, but it is the same of that as a blank canvas. That huge white square staring you back in the face.

Here I am complaining about having everything.

Issues that I have to currently address is that of scale, and overt symbolism. One is a of course a more physical and material choice, but it does affect the idea and vice versa. Large scale drawing, prints do command attention. And will change how people view my smaller works.

The overt symbolism, well, that is another kettle of fish all together. I can't even accurately define the problem with it, never mind the solution to it just yet.

Started reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian for the second time. The book latches on to it with a ferociousness. I wonder what does that in that book, specifically. The nameless main character that you coexist with the whole way? Going to read some more


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