I woke up to a half eaten sandwich

Posted by Jona8than | | Posted On Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 7:10 p.m.

I woke up and was tired, been tired from the get go. Last night's escapades at a studio party didn't help, but was fun and awesome. Though I will say I felt self conscious at times; I suppose it is just because I don't know these people well enough yet and I am not yet comfortable with them. I get anxious and come off too strongly, too wired up. It just takes time really, it has always taken time for me and other people to gel.

It was a good weekend of art openings and chatting with people. The new A1C Gallery had an opening which was really nice, it was called "Rock Can Roll" and was of contemporary Newfoundland artists. I really enjoy the space there, very intimate and cozy, it has a character beyond the white cube of most spaces.
Eastern Edge Gallery had an opening as well, and that was of Kym Greeley's show "TCH", another artist Scott Rogers arrives today to install his work in the gallery. It's a two person show, but he couldn't make it in time. Kym's work was great, looked really well in the space and she had a little picnic in the space. Everything was just right for the show.

In terms of work I have been a little slower this week, slower i the sense I didn't get at anything since Monday or Tuesday. Just really debating what to be doing for a while. The problem that causes that is I act like I don't have forever to make my art so I debate which piece to do first. I have many ideas, but end up trying to figure what to do next. When really, I have alot of art making ahead of me and should just work on what ever is available. So silly sometimes.

So tonight I am working on a intaglio plate. I just finished etching it and will probably go do an aquatint on it next along with some drypoint. Been looking at some soft ground possiblities for another plate or maybe a soap resist on an aquatint. The "drip" look of the soap resist is very neat.

Beyond that, there hasn't been a whole lot of going on. I hope to have the day off tomorrow so I can print all day in the shop. That would be swell.


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