Swoon and the gang

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , , , , , | Posted On Monday, October 18, 2010 at 3:05 a.m.

I really like Swoon's work, her big wheat paste block prints of people posted through urban areas. Another two great artists are Armsrock and Gaia, who are on the same path. I think Swoon resonates the most with me, but I am also very interested in Gaia's work. Great draughtsmanship, he makes wheat pastes from lino and block prints but his subjects are that of strange mythological beasts, quasi animal humanoid creatures.

And I think Gaia's work above inspired my own thoughts on doing something like this in Newfoundland.

What I would like to do is large scale woodcuts and lino on paper, pasting them. No different than what they're doing. My subject matter would be the ghosts and supernatural that are so plentiful in Newfoundland. There are numerous accounts of the strange in St. John's and around the bays. Such vivid imagery in some. Post them near where they happened; the streets, houses, harbours ,etc. These ephemeral beings hiding out waiting to be seen. Life size or larger than life to create an impact.

I think the subject matter and the materiality would work very well together. Same vein as Swoons and Armsrock work, but giving shape to what has no shape. Yet only then for a while.

There is the issue of it being graffiti. Not a big issue for me as I think it is art, bu more just a decision of whether or not I want this work being traced back to me. Like would I sign it? Would I work under anonymity incase of legal matters? Can one actually be anonymous in St. John's/Newfoundland?

Not big problems, and not one I am going to let stop me doing what I want to do. Deal with it when I need to.

I would like to do the Springheel Jack story first. Great imagery in terms of the costume. Be superb even to post him on top of buildings.

I see this as a fun project, not really serious work though it will be hard work carving the blocks and printing. I don't see it going any farther than what is stated here. I can't see it being in the gallery. Just a project. Like I would never do paintings of this subject, but I wouldn't do a mural for the city either. I just want it to be this.

Finding time for it now might be something else...


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