Catching up
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: aquatint, printmaking, st. michael's | Posted On Monday, October 11, 2010 at 1:10 a.m.
The prints are good, I have my favourite. I found the aquatint a little grainy on the first two. Using a spray paint aquatint procedure on all of them. It's where the spray paint takes the place of rosin in a regular aquatint. It's quick and easy, can get great results and the printshop can't accommodate a machine box aquatint. I usually sprinkle a little rosin on the plate doing a hand drop aquatint for the sky effects. You can do before or after either or. [After you degrease the plate of course.] There can be problems – the graininess for one from too much rosin on the plate, as well as problems arsing from spraying.
Working well at the shop, working on the editioning of it all. I had bigger plans, more stuff I wanted to accomplish but the back and forth to Carbonear took away from some of my time there.
While I'm home I work on some woodworking projects. Been practicing my skills by making boxes, chests if you will, using mostly hand tools. I have some power tools – mitre saw, jigsaw, drill. I enjoy doing woodwork – creating these objects. I hope to get better, make some more elaborate pieces. I'll post some pictures when I get the the new pieces done.