It's been a foul day. Sorry, not foul. But frustrating. Probably not in the most positive mindset.
Went to Winefest Thursday night with my beautiful C. Had a great time with her, tried many wines with her which we kept tally of, ran into some nice people, and got dressed up.
I like getting dressed up. So much I actually try to do it everyday if I can. I don't always when working at shop work, but I have when printing at the printshop. It just makes me feel good. I feel comfortable in these clothes.
There are few occasions in St. John's or anywhere really to get dressed up. New Years or a wedding, and even then it's not always a definite. When given a chance it's great to take it.
But I do always believe you should be comfortable, but I do know a lot of guys say they don't like dress shirts because it constricts their neck and they aren't comfortable. To a lot of these guys I say your shirt is too tight, get one that actually fits, get your neck measured. A lot of times that is the case. Right measures and sizes make a difference.
I wore a bow tie Thursday night. Finally got the tying of it down pat, took some practice. The best instruction video was this one, so good. And the guy's name is “Lucky”, like really, can' get no better.
I didn't wear my bowler/derby. Thought of it, but I was going to be inside so no need. Might have been a bit too much and too hot. I love it though. Very unique. I got in Vancouver, my friend Rodney Koonapki brought me there. Was hesitant at first but now I would never part with it.
The bowler gets interesting comments. When asked how I was doing once I said “Well”, to which the man said “I can tell by your hat you're doing well.” It's a hat very much associated with the well to do, the bankers and upper management. An old episode of “Are you Being Served” revolved around an employee wearing a bowler, which was above his pay grade.
It's a hat with an interesting history, first being designed for men – gamekeepers -while riding horses in hunting in England. Then later it was the most popular hat in the Wild West, not the stetsons and cowboys hats as usually figured. Hell, Butch Cassidy wore one.Then you have Oddjob's razor lined bowler in the Bond movies and Alex wearing one in a Clockwork Orange. From gamekeepers to cowboys to bankers and henchman and Droog. And now on some artiste type in Newfoundland.

That's Butch Cassidy on the far right with the Wild Bunch, a group of infamous bank and train robbers. Looks like a bunch of swell fashionable guys to me.
I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. I am back around the bay – not happy about it but that's it. Suppose to rain, hard. I don't know if I'll be able to bring my canvases and paints down to the Barbershop to paint. Can't work in the yard. And my aunt is being her usual with the shed. I really don't want to be caged in the house tomorrow.
Need to start figuring out a creative space for myself. Might need some creative ideas about income.
After all written about dressing up above, I will say sometimes I feel like Antonio Banderas's character in “The Other Man” with Liam Neelson. The wife’s lover, who is a janitor but manages to seem much better off. I sometimes I seem like I'm projecting an appearance only to come back to my small house around the bay. This is my bad mood coming out.