I'm in love, I'm in love with your Strict Machine
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: 147, aquatint, art, condoms, craft fair, Daniel Hughes, David Blackwood, economics, etching, life, masta, master, printah, printer, screech, st. michael's, strippers, Work | Posted On Saturday, November 22, 2008 at 8:22 p.m.

I started working at a call centre today, well, the training anyway. I'm not going to like it, that's just ensured by my starting attitude. I don't want to like it. People have told me that it is one of the nicer call centres in the city. So training, hard to stay awake. Lack of coke does that.
The essential problem with this job, at first, it the wait for the pay cheque. They do that hold one week, pay you after two weeks deal. So basically in three weeks I'll get paid. That makes it hard for a boy to pay his bills. Not a whole lot of hours at start either. Fuck, it's going to be a tough time financially in the next few weeks. The rap music has been playing a lot lately. Some music is more suitable for some stages.
Doesn't help I'm going to West Coast this Wednesday to next Monday for St. Michael's at the West Coast Craft Fair. Cuts down on my workable hours. I need to go over though, I need to discuss my master's application with some of my professors. As well going to try to get to the Crossing to pick up some of the stuff I left there way back in frigging April. I'll never be able to get it across the rate I'm going with money, so actaully cheaper this way. NEED MY SUITS!
I had a really good day here yesterday at the shop. Worked on some of my etchings, starting some new plates [ ...yes, always starting new plates]. Daniel Hughes, as mentioned previously in the blog, came in and we etched his hard ground plate. I printed his etchings for him, and they turned out beautiful. That fucker can draw. And this fucker here can print'em. I do like the idea of printing for other people. Interesting projects would be good. Master Printer Jonathan Green? Masta Printah, that's better. I should make an offer to help him with his edition. A few printer's proofs and little fee would be nice as well.
Dan, John, and I then went to the David Blackwood show opening at Emma Butler Gallery. I got to meet David Blackwood, which, I got to be honest, was a big deal for me. I took his art book out as a child, teeager, and a few years ago. He has been an influence on my printmaking most definitly. Hand drop aquatint fiend because of him. Got to ask him some questions on his colour technique; good answer which I'll be putting to use.
I had a good Thursday as well, drinking with art stars, strippers, and afterhour bars. But no need for details, but let's say it was wild. Great night.
At the moment, it is raining outside, pouring. I bought a pair of brown homemade socks from the Craft Fair, perhaps I shouldn't of. But needed, wanted them. Ran into a girl, ran into a few girls actually, making me wish I had showered. Cleaned my act up. But c'est la vie. One was interested in my art, another I may be doing monotype painting with soon.
BTW That's a 147 condoms in that box, a quart of screech, and a lot of India. Ladies, I'm always around