Used to tell those chicks to shut up, now he's shushing them

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , | Posted On Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 3:19 a.m.

Went through the hallways today, this morning, so quiet. Checking the studios for the start of the new residency, already finding it hard to remember who was in these studios just a few days ago. Trying to remember the residency before that is even harder. It's funny when you're in the Banff groove.

New residency came in today, here for just two weeks. The day went smooth. Stay after work at the Centre; took a nap first before working on some work. Chatted with my bro-bot, he hopefully has found a room for September. Going to CONA in Corner Brook. Corner Brook. My old stomping grounds. Would like to visit him when he's there. Not sure if any chance on that at the moment, a big thought tho. Got some of the best friends in that area. Maybe try for a print residency at the school. Come through and show them how I ball.

I have to come back with something to ball with...I left for the wild west, a young inkslinger trying to find a fortune or something. The West isn't that wild, thats the problem, everyone gets a bit of softness here to them. Impressive kunstlers come through but even they aren't as sharp as they want to be. I think I'm trying to remind myself of what I have to do through writing. It's all about playing games isn't it? Make believe.

I measured a wall in the Other Gallery today. The Other Gallery is shaped like an "L". One end is dark, well dark with the lights off, no outside light reaching it. The wall at that end is 10 ft across. I think a print fitting that space across would be a good step in to up-ing my scale. Of course to up it farther I would like to do it with lithography. Lithography and maybe some relief.

I would like to do a 180 small drawings for everyday that the Polaris party was on the ice floe. Almost as if though there was an artist stranded there as well. G.E. Tyson mentions in his journal that he wished there was an artist or poet there to capture the scenes he has witnessed. I don't have the quotation on hand. Might be something there in the quantity of images. Worked for Ed Pien [and we all know I love that mofo's work].

There is a semblance of a plan. I want to watch Yokimbo soon. There is also a bizarre western movie called "El Topo" that I want to watch. Maybe with Christina tis week when she gets here.


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