I'm gonna make myself available to you
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: life, writing | Posted On Tuesday, December 30, 2008 at 1:52 a.m.
"I don't need no make up
I got real scars
I got hair on my chest
I look good without a shirt"
Tom Waits, Going Out West
It's the Christmas holidays. I'm enjoying myself, relaxing as much as I can. Eating well. Resting a lot. Just generally taking it easy. Reading. Practicing anatomy drawing. Really trying to get the body structure down, improve my figure drawing and drawing in general.
The idleness gets to me. I shouldn't ever be not working. Feels odd. I was hoping when I came home to start thinking of new imagery to pursue, new Arctic imagery. There are still some ideas left in my sketchbook. Was also hoping to straighten out why I'm doing that imagery, that work. Seems like a lot behind it. Lot of different threads. The starting thread, the inspiration changed. Changed, as I guess it is suppose to.
It's funny, I've never really wrote any of it out. Always talked about it the most general terms. Mueller always said it can be personal, but no one needs to know. They need to know a little, I do need a statement for the show. Something. Something for grants even.
The writing about art thing, by artists. Scrap that, was going to write about how writing about art by artists is annoying and only a recently imposed thing. But really, it isn't a bad thing. Just me trying to avoid it. I really got to work on it. Maybe some writing in a notebook first.
I got real scars
I got hair on my chest
I look good without a shirt"
Tom Waits, Going Out West
It's the Christmas holidays. I'm enjoying myself, relaxing as much as I can. Eating well. Resting a lot. Just generally taking it easy. Reading. Practicing anatomy drawing. Really trying to get the body structure down, improve my figure drawing and drawing in general.
The idleness gets to me. I shouldn't ever be not working. Feels odd. I was hoping when I came home to start thinking of new imagery to pursue, new Arctic imagery. There are still some ideas left in my sketchbook. Was also hoping to straighten out why I'm doing that imagery, that work. Seems like a lot behind it. Lot of different threads. The starting thread, the inspiration changed. Changed, as I guess it is suppose to.
It's funny, I've never really wrote any of it out. Always talked about it the most general terms. Mueller always said it can be personal, but no one needs to know. They need to know a little, I do need a statement for the show. Something. Something for grants even.
The writing about art thing, by artists. Scrap that, was going to write about how writing about art by artists is annoying and only a recently imposed thing. But really, it isn't a bad thing. Just me trying to avoid it. I really got to work on it. Maybe some writing in a notebook first.
My grandfather was no cuthroat, but a splitter
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: dilemma, grandfather, hard, pop, splitter | Posted On Friday, December 26, 2008 at 8:41 p.m.
He cut, split, the backbones out. The cuthroat cut between the head and gills, sliced down the abdomen from that cut. The header took the liver out, and wretched the head off. The splitter took the backbone out. The salter salted.
It was said of my Pop Green he always had a sound bone in the air. Which means as he cut the backbone out and tossed it, he was already cutting the backbone out of another before the backbone of the other one landed.
If you're wondering, I'm speaking of fish. and don't ask what kind, for it's Newfoundland and fish means something particular here.
A splitter. On the Labrador Coast. Land of Cain they call it.
I may be from the land of Cain, but I've never had a sound bone in the aire. Fuck, I wouldn't know to be a splitter if I wanted to be. I'd make a mang of the fish if I had to cut the backbone out.
Great Grandfather Brown, Henry, I believe the name was. Earl Pilgrim, an author and historian, said "he was the hardest man in White bay". That's a lot of mileage. Not sure what that totally entitles, but got an inkling. He was 7ft tall mind you, and that must help someone from fucking with ya. It's unlikely the same will be ever said of me.
It's hard measuring up to people of the past, people you don't know. It's even harder trying to find someone worth measuring up to as well. For a while there it was only ever fictional characters, and now, well, hasn't changed a whole lot. It's a dilemma to me. How to better myself when I can't seem to find a real better.
It's not a superiority complex, but rather a recognizing that everyone is in the same state as me.
If none better, than even something to rebel against would be good. But really, got nothing.
This is what happens when I'm not in the printshop
It was said of my Pop Green he always had a sound bone in the air. Which means as he cut the backbone out and tossed it, he was already cutting the backbone out of another before the backbone of the other one landed.
If you're wondering, I'm speaking of fish. and don't ask what kind, for it's Newfoundland and fish means something particular here.
A splitter. On the Labrador Coast. Land of Cain they call it.
I may be from the land of Cain, but I've never had a sound bone in the aire. Fuck, I wouldn't know to be a splitter if I wanted to be. I'd make a mang of the fish if I had to cut the backbone out.
Great Grandfather Brown, Henry, I believe the name was. Earl Pilgrim, an author and historian, said "he was the hardest man in White bay". That's a lot of mileage. Not sure what that totally entitles, but got an inkling. He was 7ft tall mind you, and that must help someone from fucking with ya. It's unlikely the same will be ever said of me.
It's hard measuring up to people of the past, people you don't know. It's even harder trying to find someone worth measuring up to as well. For a while there it was only ever fictional characters, and now, well, hasn't changed a whole lot. It's a dilemma to me. How to better myself when I can't seem to find a real better.
It's not a superiority complex, but rather a recognizing that everyone is in the same state as me.
If none better, than even something to rebel against would be good. But really, got nothing.
This is what happens when I'm not in the printshop
Rare thoughts in the snow
Posted by Jona8than | | Posted On Thursday, December 25, 2008 at 1:59 a.m.
Do you think a person can be calculating in regards to how their life pans out? That one can calculate the right things to do, and then do them?
...It's a weird thought for Christmas Eve/Day now...maybe it is reading too many comic books...
...It's a weird thought for Christmas Eve/Day now...maybe it is reading too many comic books...
Lower than a snake's belly
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: anatomny, art, booze, christmas, etching, printer, Work | Posted On Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 12:25 a.m.
It's been an O.K. week for me. Just getting a need to go off radar again for a while
Print wise, I have successfully etched my plates. Started printing my biggest plate, let's call the "ship" plate. Using colour again, I know, exciting! Nice green colour, it glows. Props to John McD for helping me there. I'll get a pic tomorrow I think. So that print is on to the B.A.T stage, now editioning.
Got two more prints to complete before Christmas, and would like to get my lithograph started soon. It's an intense image, well, not intense, but a technical image. Might be better if I practice over xmas, on my figure drawing. Might be a nice Christmas project for me. I have a bunch of anatomny books at home as wll, as well as a dad who sleeps a lot and a brother.
I'm doing well at the shop though. I have gotten some fine praise from Scott Goudie, and Gerry Squires knows my dedication. Was asked about a project by him, but beyond my experience right now. Would love to assist on that tho. Be so good for me.
Been working at the call centre thse past few nights. Trying to get a last few dollars out before Christmas. I hope I win the christmas raffle tomorrow at work, they have a big basket of booze for raffle. Be effing sweet. Only bought one ticket, but one is all thats needed to win. Work ends Friday or Thursday perhaps, a little up in the air.
Mike, the director gave me a little job of printing for this guy. He has some small lino cuts done by some kids, and needed them printed. Mike gave it to me; Might only be a few twenties, but really generous of him. I owe these people so much.
Going out Thursday night, yes, I should be working...sigh...sabatoge? A friend asked me to go to a show with her. Be nice to do something.
Was going to write something really introspective tongiht, least had thoughts...maybe another night.
Print wise, I have successfully etched my plates. Started printing my biggest plate, let's call the "ship" plate. Using colour again, I know, exciting! Nice green colour, it glows. Props to John McD for helping me there. I'll get a pic tomorrow I think. So that print is on to the B.A.T stage, now editioning.
Got two more prints to complete before Christmas, and would like to get my lithograph started soon. It's an intense image, well, not intense, but a technical image. Might be better if I practice over xmas, on my figure drawing. Might be a nice Christmas project for me. I have a bunch of anatomny books at home as wll, as well as a dad who sleeps a lot and a brother.
I'm doing well at the shop though. I have gotten some fine praise from Scott Goudie, and Gerry Squires knows my dedication. Was asked about a project by him, but beyond my experience right now. Would love to assist on that tho. Be so good for me.
Been working at the call centre thse past few nights. Trying to get a last few dollars out before Christmas. I hope I win the christmas raffle tomorrow at work, they have a big basket of booze for raffle. Be effing sweet. Only bought one ticket, but one is all thats needed to win. Work ends Friday or Thursday perhaps, a little up in the air.
Mike, the director gave me a little job of printing for this guy. He has some small lino cuts done by some kids, and needed them printed. Mike gave it to me; Might only be a few twenties, but really generous of him. I owe these people so much.
Going out Thursday night, yes, I should be working...sigh...sabatoge? A friend asked me to go to a show with her. Be nice to do something.
Was going to write something really introspective tongiht, least had thoughts...maybe another night.
Y'all don't know my struggle Y'all can't match my hustle
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: heart, print, red wine, stephen mueller | Posted On Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 10:42 p.m.
Printed two plates today. They went swell, though one need a a bit more work. But was interesting. Need to try the bigger one with some colour, perhaps some blue. Bring out some depth in it.
I need pictures, so I can classify more than just bigger and smaller. Visuals help when speaking of visual art I've been told.
Picked up my art procurement submission today, I didn't get bought by the City, no biggie. Picked up a bottle of red wine. Ease my sorrows.
I was distracted a bit today, by my own self. Brain all over the place. Checking email too often. Looking for distractions. Cleaned out my paper cupboard. I have a lot of prints. There's still some images I need to get down though. Still feels like working up to something, something bigger, grander.
I guess I just feel I'm not getting to the reason I'm making this work, not showing the initial reasoning, showing what I'm trying to get at with the work. The heart of the matter. It's funny, I would never write it down though. Never tell verbally. Probably no wonder it is so hard to get there, I don't want you to know. Or I do. Just want you to work for it. I think my fourth year adviser Stephen Mueller is a big influence here.
Need to print for a bit. Let the mind wander. Need to get a lot done before Christmas.
I need pictures, so I can classify more than just bigger and smaller. Visuals help when speaking of visual art I've been told.
Picked up my art procurement submission today, I didn't get bought by the City, no biggie. Picked up a bottle of red wine. Ease my sorrows.
I was distracted a bit today, by my own self. Brain all over the place. Checking email too often. Looking for distractions. Cleaned out my paper cupboard. I have a lot of prints. There's still some images I need to get down though. Still feels like working up to something, something bigger, grander.
I guess I just feel I'm not getting to the reason I'm making this work, not showing the initial reasoning, showing what I'm trying to get at with the work. The heart of the matter. It's funny, I would never write it down though. Never tell verbally. Probably no wonder it is so hard to get there, I don't want you to know. Or I do. Just want you to work for it. I think my fourth year adviser Stephen Mueller is a big influence here.
Need to print for a bit. Let the mind wander. Need to get a lot done before Christmas.
I'm hungry like the wolf
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: AGM, art, christmas, Daniel Hughes, lazy, Pi Pizza, print, scott goudie, Work, xmas | Posted On Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 11:20 p.m.
I attended St. Michael's Annual General Meeting tonight. First time at one. Interesting to see how they work. I'm not technically a member; but John and Mike asked me to go. There was pizza and pops from Pi Pizza. I recommend it. Good pizza. Their salmon pizza was very curious. I liked it. I was able to interject a little input into the discussion. As well, there was some praise for me for doing what I've been doing.
The praise was nice. The board was very happy to learn I'm going to Banff. It's very nice to e validated by your peers.
I've been lazy though.
I have been at the Shop, but not printing like I should. Making plates. Though I think everyone prefers making plates. I have three plates now needing editioning. One that needs proofing.
And a litho stone that needs a drawing as well as a stone that needs a final graining.
Lot of things in the fire. Just got to get back to the hunger inside.
The worst is that I bought a new little plate the other day, and have been fretting over what to draw on it for two days. I should just work through it, and thats what I'll be doing tomorrow.
Scott Goudie gave me a small print for Christmas. He did an edition of a small copper plate for a Christmas gift kinda thing. Dan is bringing me an anatomny book the next time he's in, to help ith one of my drawing, well, I guess, all of my drawings. Mike and Tia gave me a Christmas card as well. I should get my own done soon, or buy some.
My mom and brudder should be in Friday. Mom is doing some shopping for xmas, as well as bringing in some boots for me.
I still need a roommate for the place.
The praise was nice. The board was very happy to learn I'm going to Banff. It's very nice to e validated by your peers.
I've been lazy though.
I have been at the Shop, but not printing like I should. Making plates. Though I think everyone prefers making plates. I have three plates now needing editioning. One that needs proofing.
And a litho stone that needs a drawing as well as a stone that needs a final graining.
Lot of things in the fire. Just got to get back to the hunger inside.
The worst is that I bought a new little plate the other day, and have been fretting over what to draw on it for two days. I should just work through it, and thats what I'll be doing tomorrow.
Scott Goudie gave me a small print for Christmas. He did an edition of a small copper plate for a Christmas gift kinda thing. Dan is bringing me an anatomny book the next time he's in, to help ith one of my drawing, well, I guess, all of my drawings. Mike and Tia gave me a Christmas card as well. I should get my own done soon, or buy some.
My mom and brudder should be in Friday. Mom is doing some shopping for xmas, as well as bringing in some boots for me.
I still need a roommate for the place.
Toiling ant, what matters it, whether you reach your goal...or not
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: arctic, berton, goals, grail, Nansen, pierre, whiskey | Posted On Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 11:23 p.m.
Fridtjof Nansen, 1861 - 1930
One of the greatest Northern explorers. He drifted around the Arctic for over two years, made a mad dash for the pole, and then a long struggling journey home.
He went after this goal, a prize of prizes at the time. Pierre Berton's title "Arctic Grail" captures the weight of the quests by all the polar explorers. Countless explorers before him had gone after it, many had perished. There was such a gravitas about the North Pole. Yet he captures it right, what does it really matter if you achieve it?
I really wonder the same. Then again, I read that and wondered how I could convey it a print first. I don't know if I can, hasn't clicked in yet. Yet that is as much as my body of work is about as the rest of it. Actually, there is a lot wound up in this body of work. Sometimes too much.
My face is really dry. I think it is on part winter, 1 part printshop chemicals. Need to moisturize like a fiend. I need to make a trip to the grocerier as well soon. Also would like to pick up a bottle of wine for the weekend. Or liquor. Probably liquor. Wish more girls liked whiskey. Sigh.
One of the greatest Northern explorers. He drifted around the Arctic for over two years, made a mad dash for the pole, and then a long struggling journey home.
He went after this goal, a prize of prizes at the time. Pierre Berton's title "Arctic Grail" captures the weight of the quests by all the polar explorers. Countless explorers before him had gone after it, many had perished. There was such a gravitas about the North Pole. Yet he captures it right, what does it really matter if you achieve it?
I really wonder the same. Then again, I read that and wondered how I could convey it a print first. I don't know if I can, hasn't clicked in yet. Yet that is as much as my body of work is about as the rest of it. Actually, there is a lot wound up in this body of work. Sometimes too much.
My face is really dry. I think it is on part winter, 1 part printshop chemicals. Need to moisturize like a fiend. I need to make a trip to the grocerier as well soon. Also would like to pick up a bottle of wine for the weekend. Or liquor. Probably liquor. Wish more girls liked whiskey. Sigh.
My kingdom for a ...BLANKET!!
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: aquaint, blanket, etching, lithography, printshop | Posted On Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 10:41 p.m.
I just proofed a new plate, it has an aquatint on it along with hard ground and soft ground etching. Warmed it up [very cold here], inked up swell, blotted the paper well, and printed it. And the cursed, trice cursed blanket either has a depression in it or water from someone printing earlier. And so there is a large white spot on my print. I could see a ton of ink still on the plate. Just this big blot on the paper, where there was no contact.
I hate that.
The sides printed beautifully, those areas were rich in blacks and my soft ground came out. Not totally noticeable due to an aquatint being overlaid; it gave a detail that otherwise wouldn't be there.
A former professor told me I could get some good ones, from England, and if I just used them for myself, they'd last for 25+ years. Would only be 600 dollars or such. So...
Maybe I have to move to the bigger press. Another artist is editioning this week anyway, so the small press will be pretty much booked.
It's a bigger plate, 18" x 12 1/2", so on smaller plates and non aquatint plates, the blot wouldn't come out.
I still have a litho stone waiting for a drawing as well. Haven't drawn on or printed a stone in a while. Maybe do some sketching tonight for an idea.
Groceries are needed as well.
I hate that.
The sides printed beautifully, those areas were rich in blacks and my soft ground came out. Not totally noticeable due to an aquatint being overlaid; it gave a detail that otherwise wouldn't be there.
A former professor told me I could get some good ones, from England, and if I just used them for myself, they'd last for 25+ years. Would only be 600 dollars or such. So...
Maybe I have to move to the bigger press. Another artist is editioning this week anyway, so the small press will be pretty much booked.
It's a bigger plate, 18" x 12 1/2", so on smaller plates and non aquatint plates, the blot wouldn't come out.
I still have a litho stone waiting for a drawing as well. Haven't drawn on or printed a stone in a while. Maybe do some sketching tonight for an idea.
Groceries are needed as well.
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: aquatint, body, cold, etching, poetic, print, st. michael's | Posted On at 12:31 p.m.
It's snowing out this morning. Well, snowing and raining at the same time. Very sloppy out. I drudged to the printshop at 11, having to lift my pants up like a nun with her habit. The asian variety store was out of cans of pop. I bought a bottle, plastic, which, for some reason does not sit well with me.
It's cold in the office here, more than previous days. I work at 2pm. At the call centre. Working on my aquatint till then. This one is a different, I'm kinda experimenting, hoping for an effect, that might not happen.
It feels like I've slowed down a bit. I have been gone though like last week. I suppose I must consider that.
My work, the body of work I've been making...can I call it birthing? I have been in labour with it. I wonder about it. Looking at the whole of it. Really wonder how this body will look once on the walls. It seems so disjointed at times, the veins are thick in some places, in other pieces, mere capillaries. Some times it feels I'm giving too much away, in other, not so.
Am I achieving the poetic?
It's cold in the office here, more than previous days. I work at 2pm. At the call centre. Working on my aquatint till then. This one is a different, I'm kinda experimenting, hoping for an effect, that might not happen.
It feels like I've slowed down a bit. I have been gone though like last week. I suppose I must consider that.
My work, the body of work I've been making...can I call it birthing? I have been in labour with it. I wonder about it. Looking at the whole of it. Really wonder how this body will look once on the walls. It seems so disjointed at times, the veins are thick in some places, in other pieces, mere capillaries. Some times it feels I'm giving too much away, in other, not so.
Am I achieving the poetic?
The gift of moustache this season
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: etching, lame, moustache, print, printshop, st. michael's | Posted On Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8:08 p.m.
I had a good couple of days in the shop. Working on two...three...four? new plates.
It's cold here tonight however. I have a plate to proof, but my hands feel too cold to do it. As wonderful as St. Michael's is, it could do to be a little more cozier. Old building. I know all the reasons why it isn't warm; but still. It just could do to be a little warmer, some nicer chairs for my back. Hahaha. Basically, I could do a little overhaul on the shop.
Another reason for my not proofing my plate tonight is I'm so tired. Well, not tired. I'm crashing. I just had my first meal a half an hour ago; chicken nuggets. My coke fix could only keep me going for so long. Now I just want to sleep.
There is a staff party tonight for the Call Centre I work for tonight. I should go to it. Free drinks and finger food. I've worked there a total of 1 week. All nights. That's not really a reason however for not going. I just feel it'll be awkward to go. I am allowed to bring a guest. I don't have a guest. Not sure if feeling the socializing and making polite chitchat conversation with people tonight. Not sure if I could. Might be a few hot girls there. I'm growing a bad moustahce however.
Yes, I should shave. But I have to see if I can do it. Just for the photo opportunities.
So lame
It's cold here tonight however. I have a plate to proof, but my hands feel too cold to do it. As wonderful as St. Michael's is, it could do to be a little more cozier. Old building. I know all the reasons why it isn't warm; but still. It just could do to be a little warmer, some nicer chairs for my back. Hahaha. Basically, I could do a little overhaul on the shop.
Another reason for my not proofing my plate tonight is I'm so tired. Well, not tired. I'm crashing. I just had my first meal a half an hour ago; chicken nuggets. My coke fix could only keep me going for so long. Now I just want to sleep.
There is a staff party tonight for the Call Centre I work for tonight. I should go to it. Free drinks and finger food. I've worked there a total of 1 week. All nights. That's not really a reason however for not going. I just feel it'll be awkward to go. I am allowed to bring a guest. I don't have a guest. Not sure if feeling the socializing and making polite chitchat conversation with people tonight. Not sure if I could. Might be a few hot girls there. I'm growing a bad moustahce however.
Yes, I should shave. But I have to see if I can do it. Just for the photo opportunities.
So lame
Sometimes I'm wrong
Posted by Jona8than | Labels: Banff, craft fair, etching, exhibition, print, st. michael's, type, Work | Posted On Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 3:33 p.m.
So my belief that my interview with the Banff Centre was horrible, may have been a little unfounded; or perhaps it was horrible but the other candidates were worse, for I got the position. Yes, I will be the next Visual Arts Studio Work Study person this coming April till November. Very jacked about that. I found out Saturday morning, finally checking my email since Tuesday while at my friends house in Port Au Port. Turns out they had been trying to call me, but having phone problems. So yeah, going to Banff.
I was out on the West Coast of Newfoundland for the West Coast Craft Fair. I went to assist with the St. Michael's Printshop Booth. We were there from Wednesday [after the 8 hour drive of course] and drove back yesterday. I had a rad time bumping in to people, and hanging with the best friends. There was some drinks, and pizza, and just great relaxing moments. Talked about grad school with some of my professors, and was positive, but Banff will come first now.
Just had a really good time, and showed some people my new prints. Even had a little talk with a class. Showed them my work, and told them about what I have been doing. Mentioned the Don Wright Scholarship a lot as well, hopefully it will inspire some more applicants this year.
Aimed at using some of the time over in Corner Brook as some sketching time for my art, but that didn't come about. Which is fine, I did other wonderful things. Just got to work on some new pieces. I got a litho stone there just waiting for a drawing, and a lot of plates to edition. Just got to get to work.
Figured since I have mentioned putting up work before, and showed some work in Corner Brook, then perhaps it is about time I put some up now. [Notice that my photography skills are horrible.] The works have titles and all that, but they're written down somewhere and not in the mood to type them. They're all aquatint, drypoint, etching combinations. Zinc plates.

I have a lot more. And want more for my show in April. April is looking to be a good month, with having my art show and then off to Banff for the work study. I am still worried about surviving to April. The winter months are hard. Was hard getting back at my work today as well, been away a week from it, or more, because of new job. Been thinking on typography lately, and incorporating text and word into works. Most of my work is drawn from that, but it isn't acknowledged so much.
I was out on the West Coast of Newfoundland for the West Coast Craft Fair. I went to assist with the St. Michael's Printshop Booth. We were there from Wednesday [after the 8 hour drive of course] and drove back yesterday. I had a rad time bumping in to people, and hanging with the best friends. There was some drinks, and pizza, and just great relaxing moments. Talked about grad school with some of my professors, and was positive, but Banff will come first now.
Just had a really good time, and showed some people my new prints. Even had a little talk with a class. Showed them my work, and told them about what I have been doing. Mentioned the Don Wright Scholarship a lot as well, hopefully it will inspire some more applicants this year.
Aimed at using some of the time over in Corner Brook as some sketching time for my art, but that didn't come about. Which is fine, I did other wonderful things. Just got to work on some new pieces. I got a litho stone there just waiting for a drawing, and a lot of plates to edition. Just got to get to work.
Figured since I have mentioned putting up work before, and showed some work in Corner Brook, then perhaps it is about time I put some up now. [Notice that my photography skills are horrible.] The works have titles and all that, but they're written down somewhere and not in the mood to type them. They're all aquatint, drypoint, etching combinations. Zinc plates.
I have a lot more. And want more for my show in April. April is looking to be a good month, with having my art show and then off to Banff for the work study. I am still worried about surviving to April. The winter months are hard. Was hard getting back at my work today as well, been away a week from it, or more, because of new job. Been thinking on typography lately, and incorporating text and word into works. Most of my work is drawn from that, but it isn't acknowledged so much.
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