She told me to cool down down, don't act a fool, I always act a fool, nothing new now now

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , , , , , , , | Posted On Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 10:28 p.m.

Always act fool fool, looking slightly uncool cool.

Been a quick week, lots of goings on at Eastern Edge Gallery, getting ready for the 24 hour art marathon. Like it when we're busy. Got a really good team there. I do wonder if I'm getting enough vitamins however, because i am so tired after work. Probably been eating healthier than I have ever. Maybe the heat?

Still working on my editioning of my etching, up to nine or ten, need two more I think. Then I have to print my litho. Get that over with. I have some new ideas to get on to. Wish I had some assistants sometimes, gotten a lot of ideas lately just not enough time to get them all done. Got to remember I got the rest of my life, been told that the weekend. Got to keep it in mind.

There has been a visiting artist from Ireland this month at St. Michael's, Gemma Anderson, and she did a workshop this weekend. It was on line etching and doing multpile colours on a plate. She also showed us how to smoke a plate using a flame on a hard ground. Great old fashion pintmaking technique, not used very much anymore. I was the assistant during the workshop, which was good. Got to participate in etching a plate as well; a small 4" x6" zinc plate. I proofed it today, decided it needed a little more work.
There was a little reception afterwards for work of Gemmas and her partner Sam Douglas had in the St. Michaels gallery. Was fun, met some new people, little drink, was good. The old Jonathan was back briefly, schmoozing.haha.

The plans for this week is to finish the edition of my etching. There is also the matter of the lithograph, which should take 3 or 4 hours. I have three other etchings that I should print as well. Trying to overestimate myself here, there is always my perchance for laziness or being tired. Hopefully a litho stone will be grained as well.

Despite all this work, it has been a confusing time. Lots of thoughts on what to do for the future, what goals do I have, what should be my new dreams be, do I have any new dreams? I have ideas for new bodies of work, but thats about it. No new job options or plans for September. I looked at school again, even looked at getting a trade lik welding or carpentry. Thought I could apply it to art in the future and I could. However it is really just a comfort thing- go back to school-safe there and in the familar learning environment- not dealing with the real world yet. As I said above, i'm just acting a fool. Don't even know if I should stay in St. Johns or not, I feel I shouldn't, but why? I wouldn't be able to answer you. Can I live in the moment? Just enjoyin the floating about. Why do I have to set a course so early?

I jut want to be a baller...


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