Recent activity

Posted by Jona8than | Labels: , | Posted On Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 1:45 a.m.

So I peruse this writers website often, and he has a blog. The writer is Warren Ellis, an interesting chap, does comic, novels, screenplays, etc. He might just be more connected in to the internet than me.

In a recent post, he brings up a quote by Frederik Pohl, another writer of some fame.

“Science fiction is a way of thinking about things.”
Frederik Pohl.

Ellis says this quote "Which may seem like a small notion. But it’s possibly the best working definition of sf I’ve yet come across, insofar as it does the crucial business of inviting the body in front of you to consider sf as a tool with which to understand the contemporary world."

That is an interesting idea for sci fiction, and I have to say my art is influenced by science fiction and fanasty, and I wonder if it applies to my "rocket" drawings. They do seem of a different world, but anchored in this one. Am I using them to make sense of this world at the present time?I can only that question of course, and I suppose that question can be said about a lot of art in general.

Recent activity:
I have been reading a lot, reread Frank Herbert's Dune, Dune: Messiah, Children of Dune, David Edding's The Ruby Knight, and a bunch of magazines. Been trying to do some drawing as of late, amongest getting ready for xmas and other distractions.


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